Comic art: Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD

I love Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD. Marvel comic's sensational spy was a guest star in one of the first american comic books I remember picking up when I was a kid, an issue of Captain America. More importantly his was one of the strips in Hulk Weekly, a black and white british comic from the late seventies that included British comic creators takes on some of Marvel's superheroes. Steve Dillon did the artwork as I remember, written by Steve Moore. I relished the weekly dose of his amazing adventures.
When it was time for the Swansea Comics Collective (SCC) to brighten up our blog we took a leaf out of ComicTwart's book (OK, OK we stole the whole volume ;) and each meeting chose a different character  to draw and post up on our site. As co-founder, I chose first and it had to be Nick...



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