Samurai Jack vs The Great Grape Ape! - process pics

Here's the process for My Samurai Jack versus The Great Grape Ape piece
First rough sketch of idea

Finished pencils, Samurai Jack and Aku drawn separately and assembled in Photoshop.

Tweaked pencils are rotated slightly, saved as blue line and printed onto bristol board

Inks over blue line

Blacks filled in Photoshop

Flat colours laid down

Textures added

Shading applied and some black lines coloured

Finished piece. Can you spot the major change I made at the last minute?

I wanted to do a particularly good job on this blart as I am a huuuge Samurai Jack fan. I remember the first time I caught it walking through a friends house. I stopped dead in my tracks and had to sit down and watch it. Amazing visuals, dazzling storytelling, Samurai Jack is hands down my favourite cartoon ever. It was also a chat about Samurai Jack that led to me getting to know Mark 'Son of Ken' Hughes and eventually led to the formation of the Mighty Swansea Comics Collective.

And Great Grape Ape? Although I am a fan and remember watching his series and his appearances in The Laff-alympics, I will admit I really chose him so I could draw Samurai Jack fighting a giant gorilla! If in doubt, draw a gorilla!!

Don't forget to check out all the other 'Favourite Cartoon' sketches over at the SCC blog. Especially this little doozy from my little girl, Nancy Nox..

Thanks for looking...
This Man, This Pete!


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